Wildlife Trafficking : A Crime Against Environment

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Book Code: 1111016936226

Siddhartha Sarkar

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“Wildlife trafficking is a major part of underground economy, and the largest global illegal trade after drug trafficking. Illegal wildlife trade is driven mainly by the huge profits earned by the traffickers with comparatively low risk and low penalties make the trade highly lucrative. Unlike other conventional crimes, no stigma is attached to the offenders who commit wildlife crimes. During the past decade, wildlife trafficking, the poaching or other taking of protected or managed species and the illegal trade in wildlife and their related parts and products, has escalated into an international crisis. Each year, hundreds of millions of plants and animals are caught or harvested from the wild and then sold as food, pets, ornamental plants, leather, tourist curios, and medicine whereas a great deal of this trading is operated illegally threatening the survival of many endangered species. This study is designed to explain the basic structure of organised criminal group, their modus operandi and trade route; the prevalence of, and drivers leading to, wildlife trafficking; international laws and regulation, and the efforts of the non-government al organi zat i ons to influence the wildlife protection policy agenda”.


Siddhartha Sarkar (b.1973), PhD (Economics), PDF (The Netherlands and Hungary), CAF (London, UK) is serving as the Principal and Executive Head at A.C.College of Commerce, West Bengal, India and as Founder Director of Centre for Human Trafficking Research. He has previously been a Post Doctoral Fellow and Visiting Professor (2006) in University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, a Senior Post Doctoral and Professorial Fellow (2010) in Thammasat University and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Senior Post Doctoral Fellow and Visiting Professor (2011) in Corvinus University and Central European University, Hungary. He was also a Commonwealth Academic Fellow (2013-2014) in SOAS, University of London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, and European Commission Erasmus Mundus Visiting Professor (2015) in University of Warsaw, Poland. Sarkar is nominated as a working committee member of the 'National Institution for Transforming India' (NITI Aayog), Government of India and the recipient of India Leadership Award 2018. He is available at www.drsarkar.blogspot.com


Preface ................................ 7

1. Wildlife Trafficking: A Concept Analysis ............. 9
Siddhartha Sarkar

2. Trafficking of Ivory and Rhino Horn 29
Mai Sato and Mike Hough

3. Wildlife Trafficking in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis ............ 53
Tanya Wyatt

4. Role of NGOs in Countering Wildlife Trafficking ........................... 83
Angus Nurse

5. Public Perceptions of Poaching Risks in a Biodiversity Hotspot: Implications for Wildlife Trafficking Interventions ......... 103
Meredith L. Gore, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Andry Rajaonson, Amanda Lewis and Jessica S. Kahler

6. Monkey Business: The Illicit Trafficking in Barbary Macaques ................................... 121
Daan van Uhm

7. Law Enforcement of the Wildlife Trafficking in UK and Norway .............................. 143
Jennifer Maher and Ragnhild Sollund

Index ............................................. 171

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